For 27 years, The Mobile Sports Hall of Fame has honored outstanding athletes, coaches and sports writers native to Mobile, Alabama. The organization is in the midst of transition, broadening its mission from simply honoring great athletes to also promoting health and wellness and impacting young people through sports camps and leadership workshops led by professional athletes. To communicate this expanded mission, I created a new website to lend sophistication and legitimacy to the organization, and in an effort to expand their donor base, included a donate button front and center on the website. Another component of this campaign is a video featuring community leaders endorsing the Foundation's goals. I also organized a "Game Changing Event" hosted by the Mayor of Mobile to communicate the shared vision of the reorganized Mobile Sports Hall of Fame Foundation and encourage large gifts by the community leaders present at the event. A "Legacy of Legends" Museum is slated for installation in downtown Mobile which will not only honor the athletes but inspire a new generation of athletes and leaders.