The idea for the yearbook was born out of the thought of making the agency holiday party prom-themed, complete with call-outs and awkwardly posed pictures with our dates. While the prom never came to fruition, the yearbook did and served as a year-in-review highlighting the people and the accomplishments of 2013. The books were distributed at the annual agency beach party or "frappe."
During 2014, Red Square Agency divided into two brands: Red Square Gaming and RSQ. This made it a little tricky to pull off one yearbook, but it was designed with two covers. The front cover and half of the book focused on Red Square Gaming, its people and accomplishments. If you flipped the book over, you would see the RSQ cover and the other half of the book featuring RSQ and Red Square Agency. The two halves were bound together as one book with a group picture of the entire agency linking them together in the center spread.